Rebirth of the Spiritual Warrior


    Houses that employ reliable materials in the building of their foundations will last longer than those who do otherwise.

    This blog has less to do with my personal research into all things transmutable, and more to do with the function of Life, to pass on data.

    If a plane some 30,000 ft up sprays a chemical into the air, and I  taste it in my mouth, then it is obvious to me, by the fact that air is made up of atoms and each atom having spin will pass the chemical information throughout its realm, and as Humans have an Etheric body composed of atoms, capable of receiving that information transmitted through the realm of air from the aircraft. The distance of 30,000 ft is no barrier for spin resonance at molecular level. That aside. Distance is no object to the Adept.
    Science has proven that its a " given" that Humans operated on the EMF  
    Vibratory Electro magnetic Spectrum.  

     You may have heard of the Film "The Men who stare at Goats"?

    This is a page from their New Earth Order Manual. with a quote
    " the body responds to the electronic waveforms transmitted by radio television and microwaves"
     The message is the message.
     It is merely information.

    Electromagnetic waveforms exist in outer space.

    The contents of interstellar space are called the interstellar medium. Approximately 70% of the mass of the interstellar medium consists of lone hydrogen atoms; most of the remainder consists of helium atoms, therefore  Components of air are not a factor of  resistance but a coded method of transference.

    Many of the western Military complex found out real early that Humans, are connected the to electromagnetic spectrum and therefore are affected by it. be it, negatively or positively.

    Etheric body or Soul Our connections to the EM spectrum.

     What is the soul? from a scientific standpoint. 

     The Royal Society Science officer  Dr Myron Evans D. Sc., Ph. D., B. Sc. (Wales)
    One of his works included an Excerpt from  :

    What Is the Human Soul and How Does It Work?  by Michael D. Jackson

     The soul, is actually a physical structure, a resonant, fractal, quaternion, ball of intricate spinning space-time. 
    It is a self-reinforcing structure, existing outside of biological time.
    If you imagine that the soul is a transparent swirling ball, then the human body is like a small, temporary, finger of biological tissue, attached to the ball. The soul is predominant in importance, and physical presence, compared to the transitory, organic, appendage. 

     From a biological standpoint, the "soul" occupies a physical area perhaps eight feet in diameter. A particular soul is localized to a particular brain by a persistent torsion connection to the photon resonance inside the hollow, crystal tubes of the brain's neuronal axons.

    Complex information is not stored in the biological brain, it is stored in the soul torsion structure. The brain's axons are all used for the transfer of experience, not the storage of information. The belief that "humans only use 10% of their brains" is not correct. Instead, all the axons of the brain help to maintain the torsion connection to the soul. 

    The nerve axons, not the synapses, save and transmit information, contrary to current neuroscience.
     All matter which has spin, has some degree of conscious energy, but we can't perceive that consciousness with our three dimensional, "hunter-gatherer" senses. 
     Humans can consciously communicate with the soul realm, however, the level of toxins and electromagnetic noise in the modern world has made it difficult to retrieve soul information. Contrarily, the soul is constantly receiving inputs from the biological realm, as that is it's design and purpose.
     end of excerpt 

    Mapping the Connections. 

    Know now that Ancient maps of The Human Body are in reality our connections to the electromagnetic spectrum. Their uses and methods will remain hidden "unperceivable" until the seeker reaches a cognitional understanding.
    Basic Chakra Chart


      Application of Knowledge

    4000yr old Ancient Mesopotamian Belief Structures. 

     Why is this relevant? 

    Mesopotamian religion is based on magic and magic follows the principles of universal Law. 
    Introducing Enheduanna, also transliterated as Enheduana, En-hedu-ana or EnHeduAnna, was an Akkadian princess as well as High Priestess of the Moon god Nanna in the Sumerian city-state of Ur, in the Levant.

    In Enheduana's time, 2285–2250 BCE  spells and incantations were the methods of clarifying intention and aligning with the intangible Law. 
    Magic is an intentional process to empower positive situations and alter negative ones,  poetic language, venerating and empowering the divine, divination, spell casting and ritual. 

    These ancient public Rituals are techniques which helped groups to utilise the connections to the aithḗr / ether

    Enheduana was trained to receive dreams and other forms of communications from the electromagnetic spectrum  which is one branch of Mesopotamian divination.

    Ritual : 

    Physical actions to aid Mental visualisation.

    Ritual is used in Mesopotamian magic and religion to empower a spell and honour the divine.

    By performing the physical actions of the ritual, Enheduana embodies her intention and aligns her body with her mind.
    By aligning mentally and physically with her intention Enheduana aligns more completely with herself and thus, empowers the magic.

    As a skilled technician of the sacred, Enheduana was able to assist in restoring peace. All nine battles were overcome and Enheduana resumed her post in Ur. The Mesopotamians were in awe of Enheduana as they believed that she had communicated with the Goddesses and Gods in the exact, right way.

    Therefore when I say
    22 Jan 2012
    I Call the Sun, to choose. + of the wind lend me UR Wings. that we may shed light on the chosen. And Aid them!

      5 Feb 2012
    of Look at the Sky and whisper the i wish to see the Sun it is my right! Let us look upon the face of Our Creator

    5 Aug 2012
    Praise for the gift of life. send your rays. clear the sky so the humans can play.

    I am merely invoking a public ritual over a social media spectrum to coalesce subconscious actuality into a real action. Any fear on my part of having drawn attention to myself in a semi public way is channelled further into the act by means that will become apparent the further you advance in this field.

    More examples of Invoking:

    29 Sep 2012
    the Praise for the of The eye's of the Watch over you Mother send your Healing Light

      16 Mar 2013
    The second assembly @ Bank nearest tube Live Now The Sun shines as predicted. We have on our side Join us!

    I thank you on behalf of all! Praise and let her energies be free So that those may attain their Higher Sense
    Soon, I will share a 2000 yr old secret technique as revealed by the Guru of Helen

     Esoteric training using reflexology. 

    3 Aug 2013
    Hail Part 1, Awarness. Look at a picture of Pope St. I of Fingers 
    Reflexology Hands
    Reflexology Hands

    3 Aug 2013
    Now look at this 2nd picture of in the Wikipedia
    Reflexology Hands
    Reflexology Hands

    The technique will provide you with , , , abilities, & Advancements.

     More inspirational Tweets.


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