Psi Warrior Training Lev 2: Know your space

Psi Warrior Training Level 2

Welcome to the rest of your life.

Level 1   Golden stove

From week 2- 3. You will notice an increase in vitality.

It is now that we really exercise our minds and bodies.
we will begin to explore our Etheric Body / BioField

The Etheric Body or BioField is an invisible part of our biological body, its width and intensity is variable. The standard size is estimated at 8 feet.

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Using Level 1 Golden stove Replenishing of vitality known as Chi,
We will consciously seek to expand our biofield using
Visualisation techniques.

Closing the eyes can help to 'look' into your minds eye, where you can imagine your field. In order to work with it.

If that doesn't work for you, Another way of 'picturing this ' is to 'imagine passing through walls and into the street outside, it helps to know your local area around where you practise, that way you can experiment with 'seeing' the expanse of your Field  in an area you recognise.

Once you have got a perception technique that works for you.
On the Inhale of the Golden stove breathing exercise, as you breath in imagine the breath going beyond your physical body stretching to the farthest reaches of your biofield and cascading back to your Dantian   remember to use your tongue to complete the circuit

Touch your tongue on your upper palate above your teeth it will find a groove or indentation to rest in. Count to 5 before exhaling. move tongue to resting position. Exhale.

Remember your biofield is beyond the constructs of space, time, and gravity!


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