
Seeking the Truth about Ireland.
My involvment with Irish water protests.

related #Tags:

#OpIrishWater #IrishWater #FreeThe5 #NoSmartMeters #Right2Water
#Anonymous #AntiAusterity 


Irish  WaterMeters come with no battery fitted, instead they piggyback on the Customers own electricity supply and internet connection. 

Irishwater data provider is @SensusGlobal Sensus http://sensus.com/nextgen

The Sensus FlexNet™ system is a long-range radio network that serves as a dedicated and secure two-way communications highway for utilities. FlexNet is designed to evolve as technology advances. With dedicated channels, faster data speeds, and increased capacity in densely populated markets, FlexNet enables utilities to meet the needs of today as well as the challenges of tomorrow.

Sensus partners
AMR Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
AMI  Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)

WaterMeter Technical data :

Command Link:


Machine communication : Smart objects

More Sensus data products.


11 Feb 2013

@MarquisLeDain Jun 13
of Ancient against the Barons This is gonna get louder:  

@MarquisLeDain Nov 5
say no to water meters The crowd is growing & riot squad are on the ready!


@MarquisLeDain Jan 17

@MarquisLeDain Feb 23
Protesters gather at Carlow event attending (via )

The runs deep. One of the 2 director of John Tierney is also boss of

@MarquisLeDain Feb 23

@MarquisLeDain Feb 23
This is what democracy looks like protesters impede City Hall:  

@MarquisLeDain Feb 23
Media whitewash Blackout ideology Update.:  

@MarquisLeDain Feb 23

@MarquisLeDain Feb 23

@MarquisLeDain Feb 23

@MarquisLeDain Feb 24

 @MarquisLeDain Feb 24

    @MarquisLeDain Feb 24
wins 3rd settlement on copyright theft vs SENSUS A large Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI).

@MarquisLeDain Feb 24

 @MarquisLeDain Feb 24

@MarquisLeDain Feb 24
Seems I'm not allowed to see inside parliament Here's the link instead.

@MarquisLeDain Feb 26
Protect Yourself From radiation from surveillance Digital Utility Meters :  

@MarquisLeDain Feb 26

@MarquisLeDain Feb 27

@MarquisLeDain Feb 27
Blackflag? Mysterious Flu outbreak in Hospital results in visitor restrictions via
@MarquisLeDain Feb 27
 @MarquisLeDain Feb 28
1,000+ people took part in a peaceful anti austerity march via 96-98FM.

@MarquisLeDain Feb 28
@MarquisLeDain Feb 28
Rap Battle Water Charges (Enda Kenny, Nidge) - John Sharpson:

 @MarquisLeDain Mar 1

@MarquisLeDain Mar 5

@MarquisLeDain Mar 7
Rally held at 'Fields of Athenry' sung by participants:  

@MarquisLeDain May 11
Get involved in 2014 's big Protest This is gonna get louder ,:

@MarquisLeDain Mar 12

@MarquisLeDain Mar 16
Protest against RTE biased coverage.full length many speakers 07/03/2015:  

@MarquisLeDain Mar 16
March21st. Rally! On Mar 13, 2015 High Court proceedings - YOU'VE BEEN SERVED:

 @MarquisLeDain Mar 16
Its as clear as water. Mr Kenny selling off regarding :  

@MarquisLeDain Mar 16
March on March 21st Against and 'political policing' of communities :  

@MarquisLeDain Mar 16
March21st National Rally REMEDY: No implied access! Know your Rights. MISSION POSSIBLE!:  
@MarquisLeDain Mar 19

@MarquisLeDain Mar 20
 @MarquisLeDain Mar 21
Anti-water charge protest, Dublin - March 21st 2015:

@MarquisLeDain Mar 21
Ireland 150,000 People Turn up for Event Calls on Govt. to abolish domestic water charges. Trade unions demand referendum.

@MarquisLeDain Mar 21
Massive crowd at rally on March 21:  

@MarquisLeDain Mar 21
bases 67k size estimate on a single Phalanx of 25,000 Sq M There were at least 3 such formations!

@MarquisLeDain Mar 25

@MarquisLeDain May 30

@MarquisLeDain Mar 31
have been disrupting supplies around . Are they in fact fitting via the towns mains?


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