Psi Warrior : Level 4 Telepathic Perception

Psi Training  4

Perception with the Physical Eyes and the Meta Psi Mind

First the eyes. Greek Emission theory (vision)
Empedocles 490 BC  Plato 400 BCE Euclid 300 BC Ptolemy AD 90

Much later Isaac Newton

Emission theory or extramission theory is the proposal that visual perception is accomplished by rays of light emitted by the eyes
Evidence for The Greek postulation on Optics. 
The custom of saluting is said by some to stem from the habit of Greek soldiers putting their hands up in front of their eyes to "shade" their eyes from the powerful "light" shining from the eyes of their commanders.

That's the theory.
So by experimentation, whilst in a park or standing on a pavement, Look at the passers-by but do not focus intently. Smile all is well, continue to just be there, perhaps a pigeon, will appear and you may focus on it and coax it towards you especially as it might be in the road. 

Birds, Cats especially Dogs, and People will respond to being looked at,  more so if "smiled at".

So find a vantage point above from which to survey, malls shopping centre parks etc. and lets try that again.

But please remember this is not an exercise, but an example of reality.
Focus on someone below that is coming towards you but not looking at you, someone who is not pushing a pram or carrying heavy shopping, they will be too preoccupied, The  energies we are dealing with, are subtle.

The moment you focus on someone, your chest area or heart chakra may become warm, do not be alarmed this is your heart chakra connecting to the organic object of your focus, often this area of warmth is associated with emotions.

Pushing it aside, you can atone for your sins later. Continue. 

More often than not, a person will "feel"  the energies and turn to look around, to see where its coming from, (these are residual parts of the instinctual Psi sensing that kept our ancestor alive, when under the gaze of wild animals or other humans ).

As soon as they look, Un-focus smile all is well. Return to the reality that less happens day to day than happens in a few seconds of complete focus.

The main object here is awareness. 'Sense' a biological mechanism which has fallen weak due to non use. The object is not whether they notice you but whether you notice others who focus on you. Its a a two way thing.

This kind of seeing i believe paves the way towards an understanding of Telepathic abilities based upon the electromagnetic spectrum.

This next section deals with Unfocused perception utilising our peripheral vision.
and quietening our internal dialogue.
We will be referring to the teachings of Don Juan.

And it is ultimately up to you, to research this technique, using the clues provided.
If I were to tell you and show you everything,  it would not be as dynamic as you the reader understanding it and experiencing it first hand. 

Tales of Power  by Carlos Castaneda. page 115 see link

From the beginning of my apprenticeship, Don Juan had depicted the concept of "seeing" as a special capacity that one could develop and which would allow one to apprehend the ultimate "nature of things. pdf Link.

The Second Ring of Power by Carlos Castaneda
"Instead of teaching me to focus my view, as gazers did, he taught me to open it, to flood my awareness by not focusing my sight on anything. I had to sort of feel with my eyes everything in the 180-degree range in front of me, while I kept my eyes unfocused just above the line of the horizon."
web Link

A Separate Reality

Perception of what is:  Reality Lets examine this Fully :

Everything is made from Atoms. 
Air is made up of atoms of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, etc.

Our body through respiration uses oxygen as a catalyst that allows our cells to produce energy from the food we eat.

Atoms operate on the electromagnetic spectrum.  The frequencies of light that an atom can emit are dependent on states the electrons are in. When excited, an electron moves to a higher energy level or orbital. When the electron falls back to its ground level the light is emitted.

Science has now proven that water (H2-O1) does have memory properties.
Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor
Oxygen has 8 protons and 8 electrons.
Hydrogen has only 1 Proton and 1 electron. 

It is my belief that water vapour has memory.
We are 90% water.

Microwaves can also be produced by atoms and molecules. They are, for example, a component of electromagnetic radiation generated by thermal agitation. The thermal motion of atoms and molecules in any object at a temperature above absolute zero causes them to emit and absorb radiation.
Our Body operates on the electromagnetic Spectrum
Our brains contain 100 Billion cells or neurons each neuron has a positive and negative charge associated with it.

The NASA pilot safety Space Program " our muscles create an electrical potential (electrostatic bond) before they contract. Electrolytes in our body are either positively or negatively charged. "

Any sound we hear is actually an object. a waveform or particle has dimensions, it is also a frequency.

For sound waves in air, the speed of sound is 343 m/s (at room temperature and atmospheric pressure). The wavelengths of sound frequencies audible to the human ear (20 Hz–20 kHz) are thus between approximately 17 metres Long Hz) and 17 mm, kHz ) respectively. Note that the wavelengths in audible sound are much longer than those in visible light.

Everything we see around us is atoms vibrating at their own set rates, that’s everything Solid objects, air. water, rocks.

Digest this, for we will be returning to what reality is,  and how we can interact with it in a more meaningful way.

 That conclude this Part.

Thank you!


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