Ancient Book of Deeds British Isles 1000 ad

Ancient British English Land Owners
Abetot, Urso d' - Also called Urso of Worcester. From Abbetot, Seine-Maritime (France). Sheriff of Worcestershire. Brother of Robert the Bursar. Helped crush revolt of Roger of Hereford, 1075. Took much land from Worcester church and Odo of Bayeux after his disgrace. Large holdings in Worcester, Gloucs., Herefords., Warwicks.
Aincourt, Walter d' - Holdings in 6 Midland and northern counties.
Aiulf the Chamberlain - Brother of Humphrey the Chamberlain. Sheriff of Dorset and later, in 1091, Somerset. Large holdings in Dorset, Berks., and Wilts.
Alfred the Butler - Butler to William I's half-brother, the Count of Mortain.
Alselin, Geoffrey - Holdings in 7 northern and Midland counties, mostly taken from and Englishman, Toki.
Arden, also called Thorkell of Warwick - Descendant of the Danish earl who retained lands in Warwickshire.
Aubigny, Nigel d' - From St. Martin d'Aubigny near Coutances. Eldest son took name of Mowbray, ancestor of dukes of Norfolk. Large holdings in Beds., Bucks., Leics., Warwicks.
Baldwin, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds - Abbot 1065-1098. Edward the Confessor's doctor. Abbey holdings in 7 southern counties.
Bayeux, Odo, Bishop of - Also Earl of Kent. Half-brother to William I, son of Herlwin, Viscount of Conteville and Herleva, his mistress and William's mother. Regent in William I's absence. Arrested 1082, in prison at Rouen in 1086, pardoned by William I on his death bed; rebelled against William Rufus in 1088, defeated; fled to Normandy, died 1097 on First Crusade. Holdings in 22 counties, some still under his name.
Beauchamp, Hugh de - Ancestor of Beauchamp family; Large holdings in Beds., Herts., and Bucks.
Beaumont, Robert of - Also called Count of Meulan which he became through his mother. Brother of Henry, son of Roger. Earl of Leicester from 1107; died 1118. Robert became close advisor of Henry I.
His twin children, Robert who inherited the title, and Walerun, Count Meulan and later Earl of Worcester were a great influence on King Stephen.
Gilbert de Clare was a brother-in-law; their half brother William de Warenne became second Earl of Surrey. Holdings in Leics., Northants., and Warwicks.
Beaumont, Roger of - Probably from Beaument-le-Roger, Eure. Father of Henry and Robert. Entered monastry of St. Pierre, Preaux, 1094-95. Holdings in Dorset, Glos.
Bello Fargo, William of, Bishop of Thetford - From Beaufour, Calvados. Nominated Bishop of Thetford, Dec. 1085; died 1091. Holdings in Norfolk and Suffolk. Church holdings in same counties.
Berkeley, Roger de - Became a monk of Gloucester in 1091. Large holdings in Gols. and Wilts. Brother Ralph, had holdings in Glos., and was under-tenant in Somerset.
Bernay, Ralph de - From Bernay, Eure. Sheriff of Herefordshire under Earl William FitzOsbern. Imprisoned by William I.
Beuvriere, Drogo - A Flemming who came to England with William I. Holdings in six counties in East Anglia, Midlands and north.
Bigot, Roger - Also called Roger the Sheriff. From Les Loges, Calvados.
           Daughter married Robert of Stafford. Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk in 1086. 
           Ancestor of Bigot family, the Earls of Norfolk. Large holdings in Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk.
Blunt, Robert - Also called Albus, Blancardus (white), Flavus (fair), Blundus (blonde). Holdings in Essex, Middx. and Suffolk.
Bolbec, Hugh of - Heirs became Earls of Oxford. Holdings in Bucks., Berks., Hunts., and Oxon.
Boulogne, Eustace, Count of - Son of Eustace, Count of Boulogne. Lands became Honour of Boulogne. Large holdings in Essex, also in eleven other counties.
Braose, Wiliam de - From Braose, near Falaise. Lord of the Sussex rape of Bramber, with castle there. Holdings in five other Southern counties.
Breteuil, Earl Roger de - Son of William FitzOsbern. Earl of Hereford, 1071-76, when he rebelled with Earl Ralph of East Anglia and his lands were forfeited.
Brittany, Count Alan of - Married daughter of William I, Constance. Also called Earl of Richmond. Head of Bretons in England. Large holdings in Yorks., and also in twelve other counties.
Bully, Roger de - Perhaps from Bully-en-Brai, Seine-Maritime. Desribed as 'famous in Domesday but nowhere else'. Founded priory at Blythe in 1088. Castle at Tikhill, Yorks. Holdings in six counties, mainly in the North but also in Devon.
Burcy, Serlo de - Daughter married William de Falaise. Large holdings in Somerset, also in Dorset.
Canterbury, Lanfranc, Archbishop of - Norman archbishop, 1070-89. Won famous case against Odo of Bayeux at Penenden, 1072, for taking church lands. Holdings in Berks., Bucks., Kent and Suffolk. Abbey holdings in these and six other southern counties.
Canterbury, Stigand, Archbishop of - Saxon archbishop of Canterbury from 1052-70, then deprived of lands. Died 1072.
Chester, Hugh, Earl of - Also Earl of Avaranches. Also called Hugh Lupus (wolf) and Hugh the Fat. Nephew of William I, sister married Count William d'Eu; daughter, Matilda, married Count Robert of Mortain. Virtual sovereign of Cheshire. Captured Anglesea from the Welsh, 1098; became so fat he could barely crawl; died 1101. Holdings in 20 counties.
Chester, Peter, Bishop of - Moved the diocese from Lichfield to Chester in 1075. Succeeded in 1085 by Robert de Limésy.
Chester, Roger, Bishop of - Nominated 1085; moved see to Coventry 1102. Holdings in Herts. Church holdings in six other midland counties.
Chocques, Gunfrid de - From Chocques, Pas-de-Calais. Holdings in Beds., Bucks., Leics., Lincs., Northants.
Chocques, Sigar de - From Chocques, Pas-de-Calais. Holdings in Beds., Glos., Herts., Northants.
Christiana - Princess of West Saxon house. Holdings in Oxon. and Warwicks.
Clare, Gilbert de - Son of Richard; conquered lands in Wales to become Earl of Pembroke. Gilbert held Tonbridge Castle against Rufus in 1088 after William's death, but was reconciled later and also served Henry I. Died 1115.
Clifford, Walter - Domesday commissioner.
Courbépine, Ralph de - Holdings in Kent
Courseulles, Roger de - Also called Roger Whiting. From Courselles-sur-Mer, Calvados. Large holdings in Somerset. Also in Dorset and Wilts.
Coutances, Geoffrey, Bishop of - Also called Bishop of Lô. Bishop of Coutances from 1048; William I's trusted friend. A chief justice. Presided at Penenden, Kent, at case brought by Lanfranc against Odo of Bayeux; rebelled with Odo and others against William Rufus, 1088; died 1093. Church holdings in 13 southern and midland counties.
Crispin, Miles - Related to Gilbert Crispin, Abbot of Westminster. Married Maud, daughter of Roger d'Oilly. Castle at Wallingford. Lands became Honour of Wallingford. Holdings in Berks., Surrey and five other neighbouring counties.
Curcy, William de - Married William I's daughter Emma.
Donkey, Hugh - Probably served under Earl William FitzOsbern defending West against the Welsh. Lands later formed the Honour of Snodhill. Holdings in Gloucs., Herefords., Shrops., Wilts., Worcs.
Douai, Walter de - Also called Walscin, a nick-name. From Douai, Nord. Holdings in Devon, Essex, Somerset, Surrey, Wilts.
Durham, William, Bishop of - Bishop of Durham, 1082-96. Chief justice and Domesday commissioner, driven from see by William Rufus. Abbey holdings in 9 counties from Yorks. to Beds.
East Anglia, Algar, Earl of - Also Earl of Mercia, 1057-62. Son of Countess Godiva and Earl Leofric. Married Countess Aelfeva. Father of rebel earls Edwin and Morcar. Earl of East Anglia, 1051-52 and 1053-57; outlawed 1055 and 1058, but pardoned each time.
East Anglia, Ralph, Earl of - Also called Ralph Waher and Ralph de Guarder. Born in England, son of Ralph the Staller, Earl of Hereford, and Agatha. First Earl of Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge. Responsible for beginning work on Norwich castle, which involved destroying many houses and 2 churches. Rebelled with Earl Roger of Breteuil and Hereford 1075 over the king's refusal to sanction his marriage to Roger's sister; subsequently his title and land were taken from him and the castle was taken over by the Crown. Domesday records his lost land as 'forfeited'. Ralph took refuge in Brittany with his wife, Emma, daughter of Earl William FitzOsbern; had three children, Amicia de Waher, Ralph de Gael de Montford and William de Breteuil. Died with his wife while travelling on the first Crusade.
Edeva the fair - Possibly King Harold's mistress or sometimes identified with his first wife, Edith Swanneck.
Edith, Queen - Daughter of Earl Godwin. Edward the Confessor's queen (died 1075). She rebuilt Wilton Abbey church for the Benedictine nuns.
Edric - Sheriff of Wiltshire before Edward of Salisbury.
Edward, King - King Edward the Confessor, June 1042-Jan 1066.
Essex, Swein of - Son of Robert FitzWymarc. Probably once Sheriff of Essex; Castle at Raleigh; greatest sheepmaster in Essex. Holdings in Essex and Hunts.
Eu, William d', Count of Eu - From Eu, port of Seine-Maritime. Second son of Count Robert. Second wife, Hugh of Chester's sister. Lord of Sussex rape of Hastings. Rebelled 1088 and 1094; blinded, castrated and executed, 1096. Holdings in 9 southern and western counties.
Eudo, Count - Father of Count Alan of Brittany.
Eustace - Sheriff of Hunts. Holdings in Hunts.
Evreux, William, Count of - Married to daughter of Walter de Lacy. Fought with his father, Richard, at Hastings. Holdings in Berks., Hants. and Oxon.
Exeter, Osbern, Bishop of - Brother of Earl William FitzOsbern. Before the conquest a Norman chaplain of Edward the Confessor. Favourite and chaplain of William I. Bishop of Exeter 1072-1103. Holdings in 6 southern counties. Church holdings in three more.
Fafiton, Robert - Holdings in Beds., Cambs., Hunts., Middx.
Falaise, William de - From Falaise, Calvados, William the Conqueror's home town. Married daughter of Serlo de Burcy. Holdings in Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts.
Ferrers, Henry de - From Ferriers-St. Hilaire, Eure. Lord of Longueville, Normandy; castle at Tutbury, Staffs.; Domesday commissioner. Ancestor of earls of Derby. Large holdings in Derby. Also in 14 other counties.
FitzAnsculf, William - Also called William of Pinkeni. From Picquigny, Somme. Son of Sheriff of Buckinghamshire. Castle at Dudley, Worcs. Holdings in 12 midland and western counties.
FitzAzor, Henry - Holdings in Beds.
FitzAzor, Jocelyn - Large holdings in Isle of Wight.
FitzAzor, William - Large holdings in Isle of Wight. Probably brother of Jocelyn.
FitzBaderon, William - Lord of Monmouth. Holdings in Hants., Herefords., Gloucs.
FitzBaldric, Hugh - Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Holdings in Berks., Hants., Lincoln., Notts., Wilts., Yorks.
FitzBohun, Humphrey - From Bohun, La Manche. Ancestor of earls of Hereford. Holdings in Norfolk.
FitzCorbucion, William - Became Sheriff of Warwickshire soon after 1086. Holdings in Berks., Staffs., Warwicks., Worcs.
FitzHubert, Eudo - Also called Eudo the Steward. Youngest of four sons of Hubert of Ryes; married daughter of Richard FitzGilbert of Tonbridge; sister married Peter de Valognes. William I's steward, succeeding William FitzOsbern. Founded Abbey of St. John's at Colchester. Castle at Préaux in Normandy. Died 1120. Large holdings in Cambridgeshire, also in Beds., Essex, Herts., Norfolk.
FitzHubert, Ralph - Holdings in Derbys., Leics., Lincoln., Notts., Staffs.
FitzNigel, William - Constable of Earl Hugh of Chester. Ancestor of Lacy earls of Lincoln.
FitzOsbern, Earl William - Also Earl of Hereford. Son of Osbern Sieward of Normandy; brother of Osbern, Bishop of Exeter. Married Adeline, sister of Ralph de Tosny. Large estates in west and Isle of Wight, broken up when his son, Roger, rebelled. Regent, with Odo of Bayeux, 1067.
FitzPoyntz, Drogo - Son of William of Poyntz. Holdings in Gloucs., Herefords., Wilts., Worcs. Also 73 holdings in Devon as under-tenant of Bishop of Coutances.
FitzRalph, Harold - Son of Earl Ralph the Timid. In 1086 held castle of Ewyas Harold in Worcs., named after him. Holdings in Glos., Warwicks., Worcs.
FitzRolf, Thurstan - Perhaps standard bearer at Hastings. Holdings in 8 southern and western counties.
FitzStur, William - From Tourville, near Cherbourg. Holdings in Hants. and Isle of Wight.
FitzThorold, Gilbert - Follower of Earl William FitzOsbern, said to have collected gold for the king. Holdings in Cambridge., Essex, Gloucs., Herefords., Somerset and Warwicks.
FitzWymark, Robert - Sheriff of Essex, succeeded by his son, Swein of Essex.
Flambard, Ranulf - One time Chief Justice. Bishop of Durham 1099-1128. Imprisoned by Henry I. Holdings in Hants. and Oxon.
Flanders, Walter of - Perhaps the same as Walter Bec. Large holdings in Beds. Also in Bucks., Herts., Northants.
Fougères, Ralph de - Holdings in Bucks., Devon, Norfolk, Suffolk, Surrey.
Gernon, Robert - Name from grenon, gernon, meaning moustache. Ancestor of Cavendish family. Holdings in Bucks., Cambs., Herefords., Herts., Middx.
Ghent, Gilbert de - Abbot from 1076. Came from French monastery of Marmoutie. Abbey holdings in southern counties. One of few to escape Danish siege of York in 1067; died 1094. Holdings in 15 counties from Berks. northwards.
Giffard, Walter - Son of Osbern of Bolbec. Domesday commissioner; keeper of Windsor Castle; Earl of Buckingham (1100); died 1103. Holdings in 10 counties.
Giffard, Osbern - Holdings in Northamptonshire and five southern counties.
Gilbert Grus - Bishop of Evreux. Made bishop in 1071, died 1118. Holdings in Suffolk.
Giles, brother of Ansculf - Holdings in Berks., Bucks., Northants., Oxon.
Gloucester, Durand of - Constable of Gloucester Castle. Sheriff of Gloucestershire 1086, succeeding his brother Roger. Holdings in Hants., Wilts.
Goda, Countess - Sister of Edward the Confessor, wife of Drogo of Mantes, then first wife of Count Eustace of Boulogne; died 1056.
Godiva, Countess - Wife of Earl Leofric of Mercia, sister of Thorold, sheriff of Lincs., grandmother of rebel earls Edwin and Morcar. Famous for her naked bareback ride on a horse at Coventry; founded Stow Priory near Lincoln. Holdings not yet re-granted, in Leics., Notts. and Warwicks.
Godwin, Earl - Father of King Harold. Father-in-law of King Edward the Confessor, who married his daughter, Edith. Earl of the West Saxons; died 1053.
Grandmesnil, Hugh de - From Grandmesnil, Calvados. Daughter married Roger of d'Ivry. Sheriff of Leicestershire, constable of Leicester Castle. Went into St. Evroul's monastery in Normandy and died there, 1094. Holdings in eight southern and midland counties. Wife's holdings listed separately, in Beds., Herts., Leics., Warwicks.
La Guerche, Geoffrey de - Holdings in Leics., Lincs., Northants., Notts., Warwicks.
Gytha, Countess - Wife of Earl Godwin, mother of King Harold and Earl Leofwin.
Gytha, Countess - Wife of Earl Ralph of Hereford (Ralph the Timid).
Hamo the Steward - Also called Hamo the Sheriff. Sheriff of Kent; a judge at Penenden in case between Lanfranc and Odo of Bayeux. Holdings in Essex, Kent and Surrey.
Harold Godwineson, King - King of England, Jan-Oct 1066; usually called Earl Harold in Domesday since the Normans did not admit his claim to the throne.
Hereford, Earl Ralph of - Also called Ralph the Timid. Son of Count Drogo of Mantes and Goda, Edward the Confessor's sister. Earl of Hereford 1053-57; disgraced in 1055 for cowardice against the Welsh.
Hereford, Robert, Bishop of - Bishop of Hereford 1079-95. Church holdings in Essex, Gloucs., Herefords., Oxon., Shrops., Worcs.
Hereford, Walter, Bishop of - Bishop of Hereford 1061-79. Chaplain to Edward the Confessor's Edith.
Hesdin, Arnulf de - From Hesdin, Pas-de-Calais. Large holdings in Wilts. Also in 10 other southern counties.
Hugh, son of Grip - Also called Hugh of Warham. Sheriff of Dorset before Aiulf the Chamberlain; wife held his lands. Exon Domesday comments on his lack of land. Wife remarried Alfred of Lincoln.
Humphrey the Chamberlain - Brother of Aiulf, Sheriff of Dorset; in service of Queen Matilda. Holdings in 9 counties from Leics. south.
Huntingdon, Earl Waltheof of - Son of Earl Siward, husband of Countess Judith. Earl of Northumbria 1072-75; executed 1076.
Ilbert - Sheriff of Hertfordshire.
Ivry, Roger d' - Also called 'Butler'. From Ivry la Bataille, Eure. Married to Adeline, daughter of Hugh de Grandmesnil. Sworn brother-in-arms of Robert d'Oilly. Held several estates jointly. Perhaps Sheriff of Gloucestershire at one time. Holdings in Beds., Bucks., Gloucs., Hunts., Oxon., Warwicks.
Ivry, Hugh d' - Butler in Norman household before 1066. Probably brother of Roger d'Ivry. Holdings in Oxon.
Jocelyn le Breton - Holdings in Beds., Bucks., Gloucs.
Judith, Countess - Niece of William I, daughter of his half-sister Adelaide and Lambert, Count of Lens. Widow of Earl Waltheof of Huntingdon and Northumbria, whom she betrayed. Holdings in 10 counties in Midlands and East Anglia.
Kent, Leofwin, Earl of - Son of Countess Gytha and Earl Godwin, younger brother of King Harold. Earl of Kent and the home counties.
Keynes, William of - Sheriff of Northamptonshire.
Lacy, Roger de - Son of Walter de Lacy, succeeded him in 1085. Rebelled 1088 and 1094. Banished 1096; died 1106. Head of his fief at Woebley. Became Abbot of St. Peters, Glos. Holdings in Berks., Glos., Herefords., Shrops., Worcs.
Lacy, Walter de - From Lassy, Calvados. Western lands made him an important defender against Welsh. Helped crush rebellion of Earl William FitzOsbern's son, Roger; died 1085. Succeeded by son Roger.
Limesy, Ralph de - From Limésy, Seine-Maritime. King William's sister's son, probably brother of Roger de Limesy. Holdings in 10 counties in East, West and Midlands.
Limesy, Roger de - Probably brother of Ralph de Limesy. See Chester.
Lincoln, Remigius, Bishop of - Provided William I with ships for invasion of 1066; moved see from Dorchester, Oxon., to Lincoln between 1072 and 1086; Domesday commissioner. Holdings in Beds., Berks., Bucks., Lincs. Church holdings in five other counties.
Lisieux, Gilbert, Bishop of - Bishop of Lisieux, Calvados, 1077-1101. William I's doctor. Holdings in Yorkshire. Church holdings in Dorset Herts., Gloucs., Oxon., Wilts.
London, Maurice, Bishop of - Bishop of London, 1086-1107. Chancellor after Bishop Osmund of Salisbury. Holdings in Somerset. Church holdings in Dorset, Essex, Herts. and Middx.
London, William, Bishop of - Bishop of London, 1051-75. Church holdings in Dorset, Essex, Herts., Middx.
Lorraine, Albert de - A clerk or chaplain favoured by Edward the Confessor and William I. Holdings in Beds., Herefords., Rutland and Surrey.
Malet, Robert - From Gravelle-Ste-Honorine, Seine-Inf. Son of William Malet. King William's great chamberlain; stronghold in Suffolk; probably Sheriff of Suffolk. Holdings in 10 counties from Essex and Surrey to Yorks.
Mandeville, Geoffrey de - Perhaps from Mandeville, Eure. Ancestor of Earls of Essex. Lord of Pleshey. Holdings in 11 home and midlands counties.
Mantes, Count Drogo of - Married Edward the Confessor's sister, Countess Goda. Father of Ralph the Timid, Earl of Hereford.
Marlborough, Alfred of - Lord of Ewyas Harold Castle, Herefordshire. Holdings in Devon, Hants., Herefords., Somerset, Surrey, Wilts.
Matilda, Queen - Matilda of Flanders. William I's queen, died 1083. Holdings still listed as hers in Bucks., Corn., Gloucs.
Mercia, Edwin, Earl of - Son of Earl Algar of East Anglia. Rebellious earl, killed by his own men, 1071.
Mercia, Leofric, Earl of - Married to Countess Godiva. Grandfather of rebel earls Edwin and Morcar.
Merleswein - Sheriff of Lincolnshire.
Moeles, Baldwin of - Also called Baldwin of Exeter, Baldwin de Brion and Baldwin de Sap. From Meulles, Calvados. Son of Gilbert of Brion, brother of Richard FitzGilbert of Tonbridge. Sheriff of Devon. Castle at Okehampton. Custody of Castle of Exeter. Large holdings in Devon. Also in Dorset and Somerset.
Mohun, William de - From Moyon, La Manche. Head of Fief at Dunster, where he founded the Priory, 1095. Holdings in Devon, Dorset, Somerset and Wilts.
Montfort, Hugh de - Also called Hugh Beard. From Montfort-sur-Risle, Eure. Regent with Odo of Bayeux and Earl William FitzOsbern in 1067. Castle at Saltwood, with extensive Kent holdings to defend coast. Also holdings in Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk.
Montgomery, Roger de - See Roger, Earl of Shrewsbury.
Mortagne, Matthew de - From Mortagne, La Manche. Holdings in Berk., Dorset, Essex, Gloucs., Somerset, Wilts.
Mortain, Robert, Count of - Half-brother of William I, younger brother of Odo of Bayeux. Married Earl Hugh of Chester's daughter. Lord of the Sussex rape of Pevensey, with castle there. Virtual Earl of Cornwall; fief included Honour of Berkhamsted with castle there. Rebelled 1088; pardoned; died 1091. Largest landholder in the country after the King. Holdings in 19 counties.
Mortimer, Ralph de - From Mortemer, Seine-Maritime. Son of Roger. Lord of Wigmore Castle. Received lands which had been Earl Roger of Hereford's after his rebellion, 1075. Lands in 13 counties all over the country.
Musard, Hascoit - Named perhaps from muscardus, lazy or stupid. A Breton. Holdings in Berks., Bucks., Gloucs., Oxon. Warwicks.
Nigel the Doctor - One of Willam I's doctors and perhaps also of Roger of Shrewsbury. Holdings in Hants., Herefords., Shrops. and Wilts.
Northumbria, Aubrey, Earl of - Also called Aubrey of Coucy. Made Earl of Northumbria, 1080, but sent back in 1086 as incompetent. Holdings still listed as his in 7 counties from Bucks. to Yorks.
Northumbria, Morcar, Earl of - Son of Earl Algar of East Anglia. Chosen Earl by Northumbrians in 1065 when they deposed Tosti, King Harold's brother. Rebelled with his brother Edwin in 1071. in prison in 1086.
Northumbria, Tosti, Earl of - Brother of King Harold. Became Earl, 1055, deposed 1065 in favour of Morcar. Killed at Stamford Bridge in September 1066.
Noyers, William de - Probably from Noyers, Calvados. Had charge of many Norfolk and Suffolk manors for the king which had been Archbishop Stigand's.
Oilly, Robert d' - Probably from Ouilly-de-Gasset, near Falaise. Probably married daughter of Wigot of Wallingford; daughter married Miles Crispin. Sworn brother-in-arms of Roger d'Ivry; held some estates jointly with him. Sheriff of Warwickshire in 1080s; also of Oxon. and perhaps of Berks.; Constable of Oxford Castle. Lands, with those of Miles Crispin became Honour of Wallingford. Holdings in 8 Midland and Home counties.
Otto the Goldsmith - Maker of William I's ornate tomb at Caen. His descendants were engravers for the king's mint. Holdings in Essex.
Pagnell, Ralph - Sheriff of Yorkshire. Holdings in five other counties.
Percy, William de - Holdings in Hunts., Lincs., Notts., Yorks.
Peverel, Ranulf - Married former mistress of William I. Holdings in Berks., Norfolk, Oxon. and Suffolk.
Peverel, William - Perhaps illegitimate son of William I by his mistress; took name of Peverel from stepfather who married her. Large holdings in Notts. and Derby. Also in 6 other counties.
Picot of Cambridge - Sheriff of Cambridgeshire; described as 'a roving wolf, a crafty fox, a greedy hog, a shameless dog, who feared not God'. Holdings in Cambs.
Poitou, Roger de - Third son of Roger Montgomery. In 1086 already had his holdings confiscated, perhaps for supporting William I's son, Robert of Normandy; later got most of them back. Holdings in Essex, Lincs., Suffolk and Yorks. shown as his; in Norfolk as once his; in Derbys., Lancs. and Notts. as in the king's hands.
Port, Hugh de - From Port-en-Bessin, near Bayeux. Sheriff of Hampshire, 1070-96 and of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, 1081-87; vassal of Odo of Bayeux; founded Sherbourne Priory. Large holdings in Hants. Also in Berks., Cambs., and Dorset.
Ranulf, brother of Ilger - Holdings in 8 Home and East Anglian counties.
Reinbald the priest - Also called Rainbald the Chancellor and Reinbald of Chichester. Appointed first chancellor of England by Edward the Confessor in 1042. Holdings in Bucks. and probably several other counties.
Ribald - Brother of Count Alan of Brittany, probably an illegitimate son of Count Eudo.
Rhuddlan, Robert - Cousin and lieutenant of Count Hugh of Chester. Extended his territory into Wales.
Robert the Bursar - Brother of Urso d'Abetot, who was Sheriff of Worcestershire; castle at Tamworth, Staffs. Holdings in Glos., Leics., Lincs., Warwicks.
Robert, son of Fafiton - Holdings in Beds., Cambs., Hunts., Middx.
Robert, son of Gerald - Holdings in Berks., Dorset, Hants., Somerset and Wilts.
Rochester, Gundulf, Bishop of - Church holdings in Kent and 16 other southern and midland counties.
Ryes, Hubert de - Father of Adam de Ryes and of Eudo the Steward. William I's ambassador to Edward the Confessor; persuaded the king to appoint William as his successor to English throne.
Salisbury, Edward of - Also called Edward the Sheriff. Possibly an Englishman. Daughter married the second Humphrey de Bohun. Sheriff of Wiltshire; ancestor of Earls of Salisbury. Holdings in 9 southern counties.
Salisbury, Osmund, Bishop of - Earl of Seez, Normandy. Bishop of Salisbury, 1078-99; Member of Privy Council, chancellor, 1073-82; probably Earl of Dorset and Somerset. Canonised 1457. Holdings in Berks. and Lincs. Church holdings also in Dorset, Oxon., Surrey and Wilts.
Samson the Chaplain - Chaplain to William I; Bishop of Worcester, 1096-1112. Possibly the Domesday scribe.
Scrope, Richard - A Norman who settled in Herefordshire before the conquest. Castle there.
Serlo, Abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester - Abbot, 1072-1104. Abbey holdings in Herefords., Hants., Worcs.
Shrewsbury, Roger, Earl of - Also Roger of Montgomery. From Saint Germain de Montgomery, south of Lisieux in Normandy. Born in 1022, married Mabel Talvas from Alencon, France; had four children: Robert (Count of Alencon), Hugh (who inherited the Earldoms of Arundel and Shrewsbury), Roger (Count de Poitou, first Earl of Lancaster) and Philip, who died on the first Crusade. Montgomery promised some 60 ships for the Conquest of 1066, and was responsible for ensuring safety of Normandy while William ruled England. For this part he was rewarded with title Lord of Sussex rape of Arundel, with castle there; Earl of Shrewsbury from 1071-74 to death in 1094. Montgomeryshire and the town and castle of Montgomery, in modern Wales, are named after him. Built many defensive castles along the Welsh border including Shrewsbury, Ludlow and Oswestry. Holdings in 12 counties in south, east and west.
Siward, Earl - Also called Siward bairn (the warrior). Joined Edwin and Morcar in rebellion of 1071. Holdings in Notts.
Siward, Earl Digera - (the strong) Father of Waltheof, died 1056.
Spain, Alfred of - From Espaignes, Eure. Large holdings in Somerset. Also in five other western and south-western counties.
Stafford, Robert of - Son of Roger de Tosny, brother of Ralph; married Roger Bigot's daughter. Large holdings in Staffs. Also in 5 other western and Home counties.
Sturmy, Richard - Probably Forester of Savernake, and ancestor of all subsequent Wardens of Savernake. Holdings in Hants. and Wilts.
Swein - Son of Robert FitzWymark. Sheriff of Essex for a period between 1066 and 1086; built Rayleigh Castle. Holdings in Essex.
Tallboys, Ivo - Also called 'cut-bush'. Married Lucy. In charge of siege of Hereward the Wake at Ely, 1069. Steward to William II. Holdings in Lincs. and Norfolk.
Tirel, Walter - Under-tenant in Somerset and Essex. Thought to be the grandfather of Walter Tirel III, who shot and killed William Rufus with an arrow in the New Forest in 1100, possibly accidentally.
Tonbridge, Richard of - Also called Richard de Clare, and Richard FitzGilbert. Son of Count Gilbert of Brion, brother of Baldwin of Exeter. Lord of Clare, Suffolk, Lord of Lowry of Tonbridge and Tonbridge Castle. Holdings in 8 counties from Suffolk to Devon.
Tosny, Berenger de - Second son of Robert de Tosny. Holdings in Lincs., Notts., Oxon., Yorks.
Tosny, Ralph de - Also called Ralph of Conches. From Tosny, Eure. Son of Roger de Tosny; older brother of Robert of Stafford; sister, Adeline, married Earl William FitzOsbern. Seat at Flamstead, Herts.; Lord of Clifford Castle, Herefordshire. Holdings in 7 southern, East Anglian and Home counties.
Tosny, Robert de - Founder of Belvoir Castle. Holdings in 13 counties from Herts. north.
Totnes, Iudhael of - Large holdings in Devon. Also in Cornwall.
Valognes, Peter de - Nephew of William I; married Albreda, sister of Eudo the Steward; Sheriff of Essex and Herts. in 1086. Founded Binham Priory, Norfolk. Holdings in 6 counties in the east.
Vere, Aubrey de - Perhaps from Ver, La Manche, or Ver, Calvados. Ancestor of de Vere earls of Oxford. Large holdings in Hunts. Also in Cambs., Essex, Middx., Suffolk.
Vessey, Robert of - Holdings in Leics., Lincs., Northants. and Warwicks.
Walter, son of FitzOther - Founder of the House of Windsor; keeper of the Forests of Berkshire and Constable of Windsor Castle; ancestor of FitzGeralds of Ireland. Large holdings in Bucks. Also in Berks., Hants., Middx., Surrey.
Walter, Abbot of St. Mary's of Evesham - Abbey 1077-1104. Abbey holdings in Gloucs., Northants., Warwicks. and Worcs.
Wallingford, Wigot of - Related to Edward the Confessor. His Butler. Sheriff of Oxon. Made peace with William I. By 1086 his lands had gone to Miles Crispin and Robert d'Oilly.
Warenne, William de - From Varenne, near Bellencombre, Seine-Inf. Fought with William I at Hastings. Lord of the Sussex rape of Lewes, with castle there; created Earl of Surrey, 1088; died same year from an arrow. Holdings in 13 counties all over the country. In modern money his holdings would be worth a £57 billion, a record in Britain during the last millennium.
William, (the) King - William the Conqueror. Duke of Normandy 1035-87. King William I of England 1066-87.
William the Chamberlain - Son called 'William the Chamberlain of London'. Holdings in Beds., Bucks. and Gloucs.
Winchester, Walkelin, Bishop of - Bishop of Winchester, 1070-98; builder of the cathedral. Church holdings in 9 southern counties, including Cambs. and Oxon.
Worcester, Wulfstan, Bishop of - English Bishop of Worcester, 1061-95, only English bishop to be retained by William; simple and saintly man. Holdings in Gloucs., Warwicks., Worcs.
Wulfwold, Abbot of Chertsey - Holdings in Berks., Hants. and Surrey.
York, Thomas, Archbishop of - Thomas of Bayeux. Brother of Samson, Bishop of Worcester. Archbishop of York, 1070-1100. Holdings in Gloucs., Hants. and Lincs. Church holdings in Leics., Lincs., Notts., Yorks.


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