Psi warrior Training Level 3 : Movement and your Field.

Psy Warrior Training Level 3

Welcome to the rest of your life.


Learning to move in a meaningful way. 

In this section we will learn to move in a spiral, for this we will be employing Hsingi, (xingyiquan) Taiji (Tai Chi) Bagua zhang (ba gua chang/pakua chang),Fire Palm .

In bagua zhang, you learn precise footwork methods for walking in circles in opposite directions. 

Walking the Circle, as it is called in bagua zhang, is customarily done at about the speed you might use when you walk down the street. In time, walking gets progressively faster until you are speed walking. At this point, bagua zhang becomes aerobic—a characteristic that distinguishes it from almost all forms of tai chi (taiji). More about  Bagua

Here is a video: Study it and recreate the form.

This next video is relevant as it explains the various Field influences.
How to Recognise positive and negative Energetic Influences in people. And how to rectify, and block them. Example: Energy Vampires.

Next we touch upon Dragon and Tiger Qigong for body awareness and movement.
Try to walk regularly using the Dragon step.

And lastly we touch on Improving the Flow of Qi in TaiChi. 
via Movement and Breath.



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