
What is the Human Soul and how does it work. MD. Jackson

  What Is the Human Soul and How Does It Work? © 2011 by Michael D. Jackson ABSTRACT: Spin Connection Resonance of ECE theory provides an explanation for the persistence of human consciousness beyond biological and temporal limits. Consciousness is a feature of space-time torsion geometry. Spin Connection Resonance defies the ordinary laws of entropy, and is the mechanism behind diverse phenomena in the spiritual realm. By quantifying the physics of the human soul, a new aspect of reality is unveiled, for the benefit of mankind. It has been said for hundreds of years, that one day, science and spirituality will converge. Finally, the new tool of Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) theory ( provides that convergence point. ECE physics is the Occams Razor explanation for the existence of the supernatural world. Inexplicable spiritual events are verified everyday, so it is time for a reasonable theory based on the best available physics model. The soul, is actually a physical struc

Coronavirus in water environments

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