Geo Engineering 1942 - Present day What is known

What are Contrails and the mechanisms for Geoengineering.

A very recent discovery on my part is APIPS

All passenger aircraft are being fitted with the new wing tip vortices variations

Which create particular patterns
In super cold Clouds or air when a warm aircraft passes through it.

In my opinion:  This effect coupled with heat from the exhaust creates a Helix pattern of ice particles where the vapour created by the engine is trapped inside the ice cylinder.

Wake Vortex Experiments : By NASA
NASA webpage

Excerpt ;
Every aircraft generates a wake of turbulent air when it flies. This disturbance is caused by a pair of tornado-like counter-rotating vortices that trail from the tips of the wings. The existence of these cylindrical vortices was proclaimed in 1907, just four years after the first powered aircraft flights by the Wright Brothers, following airflow studies by British aerodynamicist F. W. Lanchester.

Current methods of obtaining cloud and surface temperatures

Vincent J Schaefer : Project Cirrus

1st Geoengineering experiment November 13th 1946

summary: artificial nucleation of clouds

Early Use of Military Aircraft.


AERONET Robotic Data , Alexander Smirnov (GEST/GSFC)

Aeronet _map_opera_v2_new


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