What is the Human Soul and how does it work. MD. Jackson


What Is the Human Soul and How Does It Work? © 2011 by Michael D. Jackson


Spin Connection Resonance of ECE theory provides an explanation for the persistence of human consciousness beyond biological and temporal limits. Consciousness is a feature of space-time torsion geometry. Spin Connection Resonance defies the ordinary laws of entropy, and is the mechanism behind diverse phenomena in the spiritual realm. By quantifying the physics of the human soul, a new aspect of reality is unveiled, for the benefit of mankind.

It has been said for hundreds of years, that one day, science and spirituality will converge. Finally, the new tool of Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) theory (http://aias.us) provides that convergence point. ECE physics is the Occams Razor explanation for the existence of the supernatural world. Inexplicable spiritual events are verified everyday, so it is time for a reasonable theory based on the best available physics model.

The soul, is actually a physical structure, a resonant, fractal, quaternion, ball of intricate spinning space-time. It is a self-reinforcing structure, existing outside of biological time.

The "power source" of the soul, is a mirror image of that which creates stars, at the centers of galaxies. The source of all energy and mass in the universe is "SPIN CONNECTION RESONANCE", from the correct and complete model of physics, ECE theory . Physics is really about spin, and the current physics model, based on Einstein's General Relativity, is both incomplete and incorrect. (Einstein's results were wrong, because he started with the wrong geometric model for space-time, in other words, Riemann geometry. General Relativity requires 25 arbitrary constants to maintain some resemblance to reality. In contrast, ECE theory is based on the correct model of space-time, Cartan geometry. ECE theory is ONLY geometry, and does not require arbitrary constants to correctly model the physical world.) The physics of the soul is very different, from the ordinary physics we observe everyday. 


The spin connection resonance side of reality is counter-intuitive to our ordinary day-to-day experience.
On our human, three dimensional, side of the "veil", entropy, or disorder, ALWAYS increases, and energy ALWAYS decreases. Whereas, on the Spin Connection Resonance, or space-time torsion side of the "veil", SOME resonant forms are stable, decrease in entropy, and increase in energy, which is opposite from our everyday world. Space-time torsion is not a mysterious, new dimension. It is simply part of our normal space-time geometry, but we cannot perceive it with our three dimensional, “hunter-gatherer” senses.

The increasing energy of the soul realm is due to Spin Connection Resonance of the eight Evans Equations. One type of stable Spin Connection Resonance contains our free will focus, and storage of conscious information, which we call the soul.

Consciousness, i.e. the orderly management of information and free will, is a basic feature of space-time. Data storage (knowledge) and discrete selection (free will) are properties of the geometric structure of the torsion fractal. Higher consciousness is therefore an orderly, data dense, self controlling, resonant space-time torsion form. All matter which has spin, has some degree of conscious energy, but we can't perceive that consciousness with our three dimensional, "hunter-gatherer" senses. 

An example of non-biological consciousness, would be the twisting columns of magma inside the earth, or the spinning hydrogen layers inside the sun. However, the physical complexity of the resonant
human soul, is infinitely greater than a turbulent three dimensional flow.
Every soul is different, as every fractal is different, yet every soul is an identical miniature, of the infinite whole. Hence, all souls in a fractal family, develop in coordination, and local changes recursively affect all souls in the family.

From a biological standpoint, the "soul" occupies a physical area perhaps eight feet in diameter. A particular soul is localized to a particular brain by a persistent torsion connection to the photon resonance inside the hollow, crystal tubes of the brain's neuronal axons.

Just as fractals have infinite variety, so do the torsion structures of souls. Therefore, non-human souls can be infinitely different, from the basic human model. The type of soul fractal pre-determines the brains' axon structure, so that a given resonant soul structure can only attach to a certain biological entity. There must be a mutual resonance between the photons in the neuronal axons and the space-time torsion/Evans Equations field structure. If you imagine that the soul is a transparent swirling ball, then the human body is like a small, temporary, finger of biological tissue, attached to the ball. The soul is predominant in importance, and physical presence, compared to the transitory, organic, appendage.

The search for consciousness inside the brain will never succeed, because the brain is NOT CONSCIOUS! Nor, will a machine ever have a free will, or an innate soul. The brain is nothing, but a "buffer" box, for the transfer of data from one side of the "veil" to the other, i.e., from the three dimensional realm to the spin connection torsion realm, and vice versa.

Complex information is not stored in the biological brain, it is stored in the soul torsion structure. The brain's axons are all used for the transfer of experience, not the storage of information. The belief that "humans only use 10% of their brains" is not correct. Instead, all the axons of the brain help to maintain the torsion connection to the soul. The nerve axons, not the synapses, save and transmit information, contrary to current neuroscience.
The permanent storage of information emphasizes the importance of embracing truth and love during our lives, as that experience is incorporated into the soul, and becomes a permanent building block, which additional structure will attach to, and build upon. "Love" at the human level is more properly described as decreasing entropy, or "order" at the space-time torsion level.

Time does not exist in the soul realm, in the sequential way we experience it in our biological lives. 

Our sense of biological time is caused by the rate, and direction of increasing entropy, of chemical reactions in the brain. However, since the soul realm is not metered by increasing entropy, the soul does not have a sequential relation to time. Rather, in the torsion realm, there are recursive, entrained, levels of causality, such that experience, i.e. new structure, is geometrically encoded, independent of biological time. The size of the biological brain does not correspond to information storage capacity. Instead, the size of the brain corresponds to the ability to exchange information with the soul, in other words, how good the communication link is. In larger brains, more complex axon resonance allows better data transfer to, and from the larger and more complex soul.Amongst the species of earth, humans are not unique, as there are animals with brains large enough to permit information flow to, and from, the soul. Lesser animals, with algorithmic brain function, do have souls, but limited ones. In lesser animals, brain development precedes soul development. However, with higher animals, such as humans, soul advancement happens before brain development. 

That is the process that has been happening on Earth for thousands of years. It is a great privilege to be a human soul, at this time on Earth, as the price has been long and dear.
The communication link shows why extraterrestrials with large brains are not concerned with bodily death. Their large, triple brains, have full communication with the soul, whereas double brain humans, have limited communication. The small brains of humans do not permit data retrieval from the soul realm, only data storage into the soul. However, humans can change that, simply by understanding the physics of the communication link. 

Why would the soul bother connecting to messy biological organisms? The soul attaches to the biological realm to obtain new patterns from the human side, which it is unable to create by itself. The infinitesimal fine structure of the growing fractal is seeded by the free will experience from the biological side. With no duality on the soul side, there is no novel structure created, therefore, no new resonance energy. By itself, the soul can only repeat previous patterns. So, to develop, the core human soul individuates, for the duration of a human's life, and reaches out to the chaos, choice, joy, mistakes, and suffering, of the messy three dimensional realm. 

This is what the Creator designed, and how it works in terms of a word description. A more precise description can be developed using the eight Evans differential vector equations and eight variables, for a solution set comprising millions of possible spin connection resonances, or soul types. Of the millions of possible resonant structures, the Creator selected a specific resonance of the eight Evans Equations for the human soul, and therefore pre-determined the potential and path of mankind. Since spin connection resonance gives increasing energy and order, most human souls can look forward to an upward journey of joy and fascination. However, since the soul's additional structure, is guided by the free will choice of the attached biological entity, the humans who choose anti-order, or "evil", as their normal behavior, will cause the new structure of their soul to be different from those who choose order, or "love" as their normal behavior. As more anti-order, or "evil”, structure is added to a soul, the soul then becomes incompatible with the human core fractal.

At biological death, the human core fractal disconnects from the defective soul, which causes the incompatible soul to loose it's spin connection resonance energy source. The disconnected soul loses energy and dissipates as it no longer has the torsion of the main structure, an essential element for continuation. It's separation and dissolution is the experience of "hell", as intended by the Creator. Entering "Hell" is apparent to those individuals at death.

Since the core human fractal is designed for increasing energy and order, to preserve itself, it must disconnect from the souls who bring it anti-order patterns. In contrast, the pro-order souls are merged back with the human core fractal, and experience incredible joy and beauty, as revealed in many near death experiences. The “final judgment” of a soul's good or evil is a measure of the entropic influence it had on all other human souls, even though, it may have had no direct contact, or proximity, to the other souls. For example, a military commander, who permits, on the other side of the world, a bomb to fall on another human, carries the entropic burden, which will be revealed  ONLY at the end of his lifetime. 

The “judgment” is done at biological death, and before the newly formed soul structure is merged back into the human core fractal. There is a “lifetime net-entropy” limit for re-joining the core fractal. If the entropy threshold is exceeded, the individual soul structure is not re-joined, but is instead, discarded. The entrance to “hell” is demonstrated by the near death experience of humans who go to a place of isolation and decay.What is commonly referred to as “God”, or “Jesus”, is actually the human soul core fractal. For instance, when prayers are answered, it is simply the core fractal responding to a proper request, and demonstrating some of its' influence. The personification of the human core fractal is a healthy, and meaningful, way to interface with the higher physical reality. 

Religions of the world should not be weakened by the newly discovered physics of the soul, instead they should be re-evaluated, so as to act in compliance with the goals of the Creator.
The ultimate source of creation, is the eight Evans Equations, which are the self-generating framework of the universe. The notion of a “Creator” is just a higher order space-time resonance, which is still subordinate to the framework of the eight Evans Equations.
There are many examples, that demonstrate the existence of the human soul, in the everyday world:

• Near death experiences, where the unconscious mind moves, observes, communicates, and learns, all with no organic brain activity. When the nerve axons in the brain become hypoxic, the axon resonance ceases, and the soul attachment is released. This is a timeless joy for those who have lived in accordance with the Creator's plan. For those who have opposed Creation, a timeless isolation and decay awaits.
• Seeing visions of a friend or relative at the moment of their death, even before their death is known.
• A dying person being visited by long dead friends and relatives, just before passing on.
• The period of sudden lucidity, at the time of death, in patients with dementia and damaged brains.
• Carrying information and traits from one lifetime, to the next. This is shown in many cases of reincarnation.
• Dreaming, which is a self-test, diagnostic, and alignment, for the crystal tubes, in the axons of the brain. Dreams are necessary for the biological mechanism to maintain good communication with the soul. This is the reason humans can perish for no apparent reason after several days of sleep deprivation. The human body cannot live without constant communication from the soul.
• Reverse speech, in which words of similar intent and emotion are spoken forward and backward, in the same biological time. While lies are spoken in forward speech, the soul speaks truth and unknowable information in reverse. Reverse speech is the result of the soul not having a fixed relation, to the flow of biological time, so the vocal process may operate simultaneously in forward, and reverse time, especially while expressing information that is critical to the "soul mission".
• Prayer, used to heal, and to prevent “high disorder" events from occurring.
• The power of prayer, which increases geometrically with the number of souls making a sincere request.
• Retrieving information from remote sources, and communicating directly, without language.
• Autistic humans, who all have full and rich souls, even though brain development is limited.
• The oneness, and at the same time, separateness of all humans, not unlike a flame, that can be split and recombined over and over. Like a hologram, each part of the fractal holds the image of the whole. By the design of the Creator, all humans share a single core consciousness.
• The pineal gland inside the brain, is a caduceus, counter-wound, spiral organ, lined with optical nerve cells, literally a third eye. The pineal gland is our means for direct access to the torsion world of the soul.
• The dual brain structure of humans. Humans were designed to have enhanced access to the soul realm, whereas, single brain species have limited connection to soul.
• Our existence on this hostile planet. Fully developed souls are the GOAL OF CREATION, and to that end, humans
were planted here, and carefully tended. 

No matter what the immediate results of this crop are, earth will eventually reap another harvest of completed souls. In regards to the outcome of this crop, the satanists, in charge of Earth, will never allow mankind to learn the nature of the soul. The satanists have known this secret for centuries, and that is their ONLY strength. The satanists destroy the pineal gland by adding fluoride, and mercury, to water and food, which makes direct soul experience difficult. The satanists do all they can to reduce health, longevity, intelligence, free will, contact with nature, and finding truth and meaning in life.

Mankind's freedom to develop will only be possible if the physical reality of the soul is made available to the entire population of the world. For the development of the greater human soul to proceed, it is necessary to end the satanists' control of human consciousness. Throughout history, they have created anti-order, disrupted, soul forms, which can never coalesce with the larger pattern.
The development of the human soul is rapidly advancing, since it is affected by the increasing torsion field of the earth and solar system. Passing through the galactic plane, the torsion energy of earth is growing, which adds to the soul energy of  humans.
Humans have been contacted by extraterrestrials, and shown a picture of the human body. The ETs then asked the humans: "where is the soul?". The humans mistakenly thought the ETs were trying to discover the human soul, but it was actually a test to gauge the development of the human race. In nearly every case, we humans have disappointed them. Humans can consciously communicate with the soul realm, however, the level of toxins and electromagnetic noise in the modern world has made it difficult to retrieve soul information. Contrarily, the soul is constantly receiving inputs from the biological realm, as that is it's design and purpose. 

ECE theory is the key to ending the satanists' domination over Earth. Throughout history, the correct geometry of space-time, and the structure of the soul, have been kept a secret. When the secrets are unmasked, mankind will have unlimited free energy, and finally learn their power and purpose on Earth.
This disclosure marks the beginning of a new age on planet Earth, and a new way to access and study the spiritual world. With this information, mankind will be free from the shackles of the past. Humans will be free to build a new future based on free will and responsibility, tempered by an understanding of our part in Creation.
As sages have said, have love and forgiveness in your heart, but keep a sharp sword ready for battle. Our true being is immutable, and there is nothing to fear in the current battle, except doing nothing, and allowing the satanists to block our upward path. The correct and complete Unified Field Theory of physics, ECE Theory, was developed by professor Myron Wyn Evans, B. Sc., Ph. D., D. Sc. of Glyneithrym, Wales, UK. 

The information on the human soul was developed and written by Michael D. Jackson, BSEE, Lubbock, Texas, USA.

NOTE: This information is NOT intended for the creation of a New World Order religion! This information is given as a basis for research, and to encourage individual freedom, awareness, and responsibility. Any attempt to turn this into a religious or political power structure should be looked upon with great distrust and caution! This document may be printed and used by individuals for their own use, but not reproduced for sale. Permission is granted to repost and distribute this document, but only if it is reproduced in it's entirety, without editing, and it includes this limit on distribution.


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