Human cognitive system Coincidences and the mechanics of Karma.

Human Cognitive system



 Karmic mechanism. 

In order to define the Karma mechanism,  A mountain must be scaled.

Any  use of links in this article, do not endorse any products or  ideologies. but are merely used as examples. 

1. Coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances which have no apparent causal connection with each other.
2. Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म) means action, work  deed. accomplishment  it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect.

Number 1 events that happen when we reject or accept the signs or signals!
Number 2  This is directly  related to what 'we' do or do not do, and the consequence of those actions.

First I shall explain my view of the fundamentals of our cognitive reasoning system.
Then I will show how emotion is used by that system as a completion 'signal'.

After which I will explain my view of the mechanism of  Emotions  thought processes. Explaining karma has never successfully been done yet. So we must... Postulate..

  Thoughts, Actions + interaction.

You are walking on a busy street and somebody asks you for something, and you oblige, it could be assistance, directions or simply the time, lets focus on the positive here.  When we do something good for others, like giving them something they want, We more often than not receive a positive signal .We feel Good!  

What process generates that 'emotion'  especially in coincidental occurrences.

Thoughts Processes and Actions. 

As we live our lives we make decisions based on what our needs or goals are.
The process of doing anything begins with an emotion, idea or coincidence

When you are about to cross a busy road, (goal) as you look your mind starts receiving streams of Logistical data from your brain. We perceive this data (cognitive thoughts) as emotions  lets call it the Sum which work out silently , distance, and speed of vehicles, road conditions, your path of least resistance, the time it would take, to safely cross the road.
 This is an automatic function. (unless you are mentally preoccupied, like children often are.)
Lets focus on the positive here.

When the sum is complete  , all data has been added subtracted and divided (process). The positive or good feeling we receive is, "its OK to cross now". We feel confident positive We then cross the road  (Action)

Lets look at the order of events in this immediate time-line. 
Aspiration or goal  (To cross the road)
Cognitive puzzle solving mechanisms (Our Brain and its connections)  
(working out how to safely cross = the internal summing up of data via sensory receptors) 
End Process  (we receive an emotion as the completion signal feedback from our data processing Brain, we receive a  positive  signal we feel confident to cross) 
Action (We cross the road and complete our goal).

We see now that 'Emotions'  could be interpreted as data sum Completion signals, for any cognitive reasoning process. 

Positive ones = completion of sum within acceptable parameters or favoured outcome. we are Happy to cross the road!

Negative ones = incomplete or uncertain outcome.  Traffic is too fast Fear uncertainty We wait until we get the all clear before crossing the road or we simply find a better place to cross.

when someone ask you to climb a tree, you look you silently work it out and then based on how you feel you reply. 

So having ascertained that 'feelings ' are ' a definite part of the brain and neural networks  reasoning feedback process.

Emotional feedback : acceptance and rejection of the signal. 

 We now move on to what happens , when we ignore these 'signals'.

To lay some ground rules.. 
 I am defining these rules in sync with Asimov's 1st three rules of  robotics.
 For humanity robot rule 2 is null. 

These 2 rules are often interchangeable.
(Robot Rule 1& 3  Human Rule 1. Survival  of the Body. 

Human Rule 2. Well being of the ego id or super ego)

Let us set the scene:

You get invited to a party. But you don’t know the person very well, you feel uncertain ( has your cognitive functions been activated, has it worked something out?)  you prevaricate (speak or act in an evasive way)
But you are won over by the persons friendliness and or enthusiasm.
So you are at a party laughing drinking conversing and generally enjoying yourself  is relaxed and your all seated, and  then 'out of the blue' someone mentions animal testing, in such a way that they are obviously favourable to it. (I’m personally against it)

Depending on your life choices This may 'rub you up the wrong way'.

If   you are interested or well versed on this subject then It takes only a microsecond for you to gather your "case" evidence  'mentally'  Your intent is to  present your 'view', your 'argument', on this subject.

While you debate openly at this party,  you are processing quantifiable information , tone of voice, body language of others in your peripheral who are listening but not actively speaking,  your own feelings, sound, light everything! 

Somehow our faculties are able to sense events beyond our physical bodies or consciousness.

As you put your point across You may start to feel overwhelmed by the multiple Signals that are being received  or it may simple urge you on.

Now imagine you then discover part way through this ' exchange ' that many of those at the party (random event) for some reason, start to agree with the main protagonist, either because they are uninformed, do not feel confident enough or genuinely have an opinion, either way again depending on 'who you are', and according to  your life choices. 

You may
A.) start to receive 'negative' feedback Uncertainty from your, 'inner cognitive processes',  Signalling termination and diplomatic withdrawal.
e.g. the SUM has already worked it out that this is getting boring (It serves no  goal or function )  you are outnumbered in argument and completion of your Goal may lead to a unpleasant outcome.  rule 1 is swapped with rule 2 (Rule 1 preservation of the body) (Rule 2 Preservation of the ego, id or super ego) 

i.e To lose face and then have to deal with your own emotional turmoil whilst still at the party is damaging to rule 2. So you may just retire from the conversation or leave altogether.


B.) You ignore the Signal negative,'fear', and press on, converting the  fear into a higher frequency emotion like rage or Justification, and raising your emotional 'output', Voice and 'your emotions' which drive your flow of expertise  to a  higher level or 'frequency' ,  which will, more often than not be  felt by others around you.

As you throw caution to the wind  and ride the rail of uncertainty a combination of Fear Rage Love and Consent.  Which if we understand how emotions work  they can influence 'others'  You will invariable win through. Or at most cases elicit an assistive response from the less confident.

Accepting or rejecting signals of  internal process has its own consequences, especially when the situation is a coincidental nature.

Both of these are valid.
We were invited to a party, we had a choice, for whatever reason we  ignored the subtle negative signal,  and so we went, it was a mistake, we  learnt something.....

We were invited to a party, we had a choice, for whatever reason we  ignored the subtle negative signal,  and so we went, it was amazing best night ever  And we learnt something....

I think we tend to ignore the negative feedback signal mainly , in so far as,  We perceive fear as  ' being afraid of something',  which in effect,  is part of the learning process, In order to 'learn' we must overcome fear of some things. 

Like falling off bicycles, Talking to people we feel attracted to, fear of failure in an endeavour for which we will receive peer recognition like  'winning a race,  or scoring a goal#!!

 The negative or 'Fear' response will over time become seasoned or knowledgeable the emotion itself doesn’t,  but the brain and neural pathway it creates does.

Our 'Learning' will continue till we have reached some understanding (cognitive neural pathways ) of what we are actually capable of.   In our physical, mental emotional interaction between self,  others and the rest of the world.
Sometimes we ignore the positive feedback signal i.e. someone pays you a compliment, or gives you something, or says they love you, 

 You felt good and wanted to give a compliment but felt shy,  An so ignoring the good 'signal' can lead to internal negative feedback loop like  'feeling awkward;   

But all this is real  lessons in interaction with others, and dealing with our own emotions internally,  Interaction with others is a continual learning process.  depending again on your own life choices, aspirations, goals, and view of self. 

Lets have a closer look at emotions, what are they?

Emotions are felt in various parts of the body, they are detectable by machines.

 EEG provides a unique opportunity for studying the temporal dynamics of cognitive and emotional processes. PDF here (Science Direct) excerpt; "The electrical activity of brain cells is a key feature of this mechanism."

As I understand it emotions are an invisible part of the Physical realm.  
They have substance, and are of an electromagnetic  nature. 
They can be detected using frequency / electrical resistance. Bio Sensing
 Light-  Polycontrast Interference Photography.  BioField / Human_energy_field 
(SQUID)  magnetometer and via  Biomagnetism.

My postulation is also that,  "They exist beyond the confines of our physical body", and become more physical e.g.  (they can be felt by other humans )  according to  UHF high or ELF Low - frequency emotional states. 

So we learn that emotions are electromagnetic in nature,  but what is harder to detail,  is that there is a oscillating electromagnetic residue.

In order to understand we must quantify or simplify  the mechanism further. 

Electromagnetic waves can be imagined as a self-propagating transverse oscillating wave of electric and magnetic fields. See pix.

Light is an oscillating electromagnetic field, so it is electrical and magnetic.
but as it is not charged so it does not attract or repel charged particles like electrons.

If our Emotions are a physical and of an electrical nature, and the world around us consists of atoms held together by  Electromagnetic forces then therein lies the mechanism for a residual oscillating Karmic network. 
Our emotions and senses have access to that plane of existence. Independent from Humans but at the same time connected to them.

What Science has to say about the Human BioField / SpiritBody or "Soul".
Wiki Aura 
The search for the location of the human soul probably dates back to the awareness of such an entity. Termed atman by ancient Indian philosophers, psyche by the Greek and anima by the Romans, it has been considered resident within, but distinct from the human body. Many consider it immortal, postulating death to be the consequence of the departure of the soul from the body. 

 In scientific research we have found that the aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that extends all around our body for about 4-5feet  (in a average healthy body) - more info here

The Human ' BioField ' referred to mostly as the 'Soul' Or 'Spirit Body'.
And like our emotions, invisible to the eye, and existing beyond the confines of our visible body.

We now see a pattern emerging Emotions BioField and electromagnetism.

Therefore I believe A causal link exists between," our cognitive functions, the world beyond the physical confines of our body,  Our emotions,  And the Human SpiritBody (Soul)/ (BioField)." 

See this article here:
Understanding Brain, Mind and Soul: Contributions from Neurology and Neurosurgery 

To define it further We must expand existing theories. 

It is my belief  that Karma is somehow part of the  Lorentz_force a residual electrical charged atomic network mechanism which spans across every atom in existence.

Consider this as 'breaking through '  or just my own postulations.

For the moment that’s all folks! 

Some references.
Maxwell_equationsEuclidean_space Divergence_theorem Hilbert_space. 


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