
Showing posts from January, 2018

Thoughts Processes Emotions Causality and The SpiritBody

Thoughts Processes and Emotions The use of links  in this article do not endorse any products or negative ideologies. but are merely  examples.  An example of  cause and effect. You are walking on a busy street and coincidently somebody asks you for something, and you oblige, it could be assistance, directions or simply the time, lets focus on the positive here.  When we do something good for others, like giving them something they want, We more often than not receive a positive signal .We feel Good!   What generates that feeling.   a Coincidence   is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances which have no apparent causal connection with each other.  In order to understand we must quantify the mechanisms. In my view and science itself. Emotions are part of the Physical realm.   They have substance, and are of an electrical nature. They either leave the body or are projected and or retracted at will. New sensing technology. Science ascertains, and I ag