
Showing posts from 2016

The true meaning of Christmas Mōdraniht "Night of the Mothers"

1.) Julian _Gregorian calender 2.) Lady Day -still used in UK Tax Laws. 3.) Mōdraniht  "Night of the Mothers" 1) First a brief history on how time has been rearranged, Of course remembering that Britain went Protestant in 1450's. Beginning in 1582 , the Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian one, in Roman Catholic countries. This change was implemented at a much later date in newly formed  Protestant and Orthodox countries. 2) New year started on  Lady Day 25 March In the western liturgical year , Lady Day is the traditional name in some English speaking countries of the Feast of the Annunciation   , known in the 1549 Prayer Book of Edward VI and the 1662 Book of Common Prayer as "The Annunciation of the (Blessed) Virgin Mary"    In England, Lady Day was New Year's Day from 1155 to 1752, when the 1st January 1752 was declared to be the official start of the year. [1]    In England and Wales , Ireland , and the British co...

Geo Engineering 1942 - Present day What is known

What are Contrails and the mechanisms for Geoengineering. A very recent discovery on my part is APIPS All passenger aircraft are being fitted with the new wing tip vortices variations Which create particular patterns In super cold Clouds or air when a warm aircraft passes through it. In my opinion:  This effect coupled with heat from the exhaust creates a Helix pattern of ice particles where the vapour created by the engine is trapped inside the ice cylinder. Wake Vortex Experiments : By NASA NASA webpage Excerpt ; Every aircraft generates a wake of turbulent air when it flies. This disturbance is caused by a pair of tornado-like counter-rotating vortices that trail from the tips of the wings. The existence of these cylindrical vortices was proclaimed in 1907, just four years after the first powered aircraft flights by the Wright Brothers, following airflow studies by British aerodynamicist F. W. Lanchester. Current methods of obtaining cloud...