
Showing posts from June, 2015

Cymry A Confederation of Tribes AD 577 Welsh Tribal law.

Cymry A Confederation of Tribes Classes recognized in Wales.   See  Cymry Confederation   for full definition.   The Cymry and their Churches by D.D. Jones The main classes recognized by the Welsh Laws may be stated to be : (i) the royal class, consisting of the King or Kings or territorial lord, and their entourages ; (ii) the ' boneddig ' or free-born class, the men of lineage, consisting of the ' uchelwyr ', the married freemen, and the unmarried freemen ; (iii) the ' aillt ' or ' taeog ' class, whose freedom and rights were considerable, but not so wide as those of the freemen ; (iv) the ' alltud ' class, men of foreign blood resident in the country ; and (v) the ' caeth ' or bond-servant class, the slaves of other systems of law. Classes recognized in other systems.  In the Fragment on Ranks in the early Anglo-Saxon Laws (c. I) it is said, ' It was whilom, in the Laws of the English, that people and law went by r...

History of the Worlde

According to the Mayans, there has been 4 previous civilisations on Earth, each one was desolated by Earthquakes, Volcano's Fire from space or space debris, Ice Ages.  Modern history based on carbon dating 3.4 billion years ago,  gigantic meteorite , twice as big as the one which is believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs, collided with Earth.  There is growing geological evidence that our planet went into a big freeze at least twice during the late Proterozoic era, 600-800 million years ago, with the polar icecaps a kilometre deep extending to the equator. Proterozoic era, 600-800 million years ago, with the polar icecaps a kilometre deep extending to the equator. Cryogenian Period, a term given to a series of glaciations that covered most of our planet between 850-630 or 600 million years ago. Sinian Period  560-575-mill...

Jersey Witch Trials 1562

Jersey Witch trials A belief in witchcraft was widespread in Jersey during the 16th and 17th centuries as it was in the rest of Europe. Many an ignorant old woman was put to death on the strength of this belief, in reality just because she was a scold. Researchers have calculated some 300,000 persons, mostly women, were executed in Europe during this time. Its is my belief that the witch trials were a cover for land grabbing and removing the old guard.  In 1692, Philippe Langlois and many other Jersey-born inhabitants  ( the Cabot’s, Le Marquand’s, Balliene’s, etc. ) would have witnessed the infamous witch trials of Salem, Massachusetts. Rev. G.R. Balleine, one-time Librarian of the Société Jersiaise, researched the ancient minute books of the Cour du Cattel recording many of the poor unfortunates brought to trial for witchcraft; the bulk of his list is reproduced here. He noted many family relationships “one point obvious even from this inco...

Origins of Britain January, 1924. Laurence Waddell -Giants of Anak

Foreword: Waddell opens up for us lost vistas of history down the ages, and lifting considerably higher than before the dense veil that has hung so long over the origin and ancestry of the British Nation.    Origins of Britain  January, 1924. Laurence Waddell .   Eds note ; First we examine the Trojans before moving further back in time.  The story goes .. After the Trojan war , AEneas , fleeing with Ascanius from their destroyed city, sailed to Italy. There he was honourably received by King Laiinus ,  which raised  the envy of Turnus, King of the Rutuli , who thereon made war against him.  Engaging in battle, AEneas got the victory, and killing Turnus, obtained the kingdom of Italy (Latium); and with it Lavinia, the daughter of Latinus.  After his death Ascanius, succeeding to the kingdom, built Alba on the Tiber , and begat a son named Sylvius, who took to wife a niece of Lavinia . . . and had a son called Br...

Lebor Feasa Runda synopsis

The Lebor FeasaRunda.pdf  Intro This manuscript recovered by Steven L. Akins  from ex German Reich p.o.w. in america who claimed it had been in possession of the Ahnenerbe SS f or over 100 years.  Recently published it  as "The Book of Secret Knowledge". Lebor is a Frankish word for book, Leabhar is irish for book,  Libor is Latin for Book. During the early Middle Ages a number of attempts were made by monastic scholars  to record the history and legends that had previously been preserved only by the bards and seannachies (story Reciters)  who committed to memory the folk tales genealogies and Laws, and was the basis of true aristocracy in feudal times.   The literature preserved through the efforts of these clerics resulted in a number of manuscripts, of which the Lebor Gábala Érenn (found in both the Book of Fermoy and the Book of Leinster ) appear to have been rewritten by Christian scholars which reduces them to mere p...