
Showing posts from June, 2015

Stephen of England 1092 -1154

King Stephen of England Stephen ( c. 1092/6 – 25 October 1154),  Stephen of  Blois   ( French :  Étienne de Blois ,  Medieval French: Estienne de Blois ).     Was a grandson of William the Conqueror .    He was King of England from 1135 to his death, and also the Count of Boulogne in right of his wife . Stephen's reign was marked by the Anarchy , a civil war with his cousin and rival, the Empress Matilda .   He was succeeded by Matilda's son, Henry II , the first of the Angevin kings. Stephen was born in the County of Blois in middle France; his father, Count Stephen-Henry , was one of the leaders of the First Crusade ,  died while Stephen was still young, and he was brought up by his mother, Adela . Placed into the court of his uncle, Henry Beauclerc Stephen rose in prominence and was granted extensive lands. Stephen married Matilda of Boulogne , inheriting additional estates in Kent and Boulogne that made the couple one of the wealthiest in England.  St

Who's who The Battenbergs The Teck's

(Cf. an analogous decision for Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar, daughter of a duke).  In 1887 he was given the rank of admiral on the retired list.  After retiring from the Navy he turned to sculpture, as would later his eldest child Feodora. By warrant of June 11, 1913 count Gleichen was given precedence "next to and immediately before marquesses of England", his wife before marchionesses of England, and his sisters were given precedence "next to and immediately before the daughters of Dukes of England".  On this occasion it was discovered that he had never obtained a royal licence to use his Gotha title in the United Kingdom, but the Home Office decided that it was "unnecessary to procure any further authority for the use of the title" since it had been officially recognized in the Army List and in the Gazette, and the title was used in the warrant. The Battenbergs This family finds its origin in the morganatic marriage of Prince Alexander of Hesse (182

Cymry A Confederation of Tribes AD 577 Welsh Tribal law.

Cymry A Confederation of Tribes Classes recognized in Wales.   See  Cymry Confederation   for full definition.   The Cymry and their Churches by D.D. Jones The main classes recognized by the Welsh Laws may be stated to be : (i) the royal class, consisting of the King or Kings or territorial lord, and their entourages ; (ii) the ' boneddig ' or free-born class, the men of lineage, consisting of the ' uchelwyr ', the married freemen, and the unmarried freemen ; (iii) the ' aillt ' or ' taeog ' class, whose freedom and rights were considerable, but not so wide as those of the freemen ; (iv) the ' alltud ' class, men of foreign blood resident in the country ; and (v) the ' caeth ' or bond-servant class, the slaves of other systems of law. Classes recognized in other systems.  In the Fragment on Ranks in the early Anglo-Saxon Laws (c. I) it is said, ' It was whilom, in the Laws of the English, that people and law went by r

Naturalization. HSH Prince Louis of Battenberg

O 144/594/B16148 No B16,148 Date : 19 April 94 Mr H.P. Spottiswoode References: see domestic papers 1818, nat. cert. 5961 Naturalization. HSH Prince Louis of Battenberg  Requests enquiry made as to whether certain documents signed by Prince Louis of Battenberg have been deposited at H.O. & if so whether they give him the rights of a British subject. Also asks should these rights not attach under the circumstances, he may be informed whether H.O. is aware of any other means by which he has acquired the rights or whether it is necessary for him to obtain a certificate or an Act of Parliement. Minutes   Mr Stapleton There are no documents beyond the memorial of H.S.H. Prince Louis of Battenberg. He was naturalized on the 20 September 1868 and he can obtain a copy of the enrolment at the Rcord Office.   20/4/94 It appears from the papers herewith, that Prince Louis of Battenberg was naturalized under the Act of 1844, but that the condition as

Teck and Battenberg discrepancies.

HO 144/22945 Home Office H.O. to consult Lord Stamfordham re fees. No agent's fees being charged by C. of R. and query any. Warrants to be pre-dated to the Letters Patent - consult Sir Claude Schuster as to dates of latter. The L.P. will refer to the acts of relinquishment.   342,469/7 Home Office, received 18 Jul 1917 TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. The humble Petition of His Highness Prince Leopold Arthur Louis of Battenberg, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Captain in the Army. SHEWETH That Your Petitioner in accordance with Your Majesty's desire begs leave to relinquish the use of his style, title and attribute of "Highness" conferred upon him by Royal Warrant under the Sign Manual of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, bearing date the fourth day of December One Thousand eight hundred and eighty six, as one of the issue of His late Royal Highness Prince Henry Maurice of Battenberg and of Her Royal