
Showing posts from April, 2015

Psi Warrior : Level 4 Telepathic Perception

Psi Training  4 Perception with the Physical Eyes and the Meta Psi Mind .  First the eyes. Greek Emission theory (vision)   Empedocles 490 BC  Plato 400 BCE Euclid 300 BC Ptolemy AD 90 Much later Isaac Newton Emission theory or extramission theory is the proposal that visual perception is accomplished by rays of light emitted by the eyes .     Evidence for The Greek postulation on Optics.  The custom of saluting is said by some to stem from the habit of Greek soldiers putting their hands up in front of their eyes to "shade" their eyes from the powerful "light" shining from the eyes of their commanders. That's the theory. So by experimentation, whilst in a park or standing on a pavement, Look at the passers-by but do not focus intently. Smile all is well, continue to just be there, perhaps a pigeon, will appear and you may focus on it and coax it towards you especially as it might be in the road.  Birds, Cats especially Dogs, and P

Fascism Nazism Satanism inside MI5 : Policing Politics.

Dolphin Square, MI5,  British Fascisti , British Empire Union , Charles Henry Maxwell Knight OBE, (b. Mitcham, Surrey, unofficial (9th July) (4 September 1900 – 27 January 1968) known as Maxwell Knight , Or Captain Knight to his SIS chums. He’d left HMS Worcester in 1917, spent the following year as a midshipman with the Royal Navy Reserve, visited New York and been enchanted by it, developed an enthusiasm for American jazz, returned to Putney and a spot of teaching, turned himself into an accomplished amateur naturalist, with grass snakes in the bath and parrots in the kitchen. Knight was a member of Rotha Lintorn-Orman 's British Fascisti formed in 1923 by Rotha Lintorn-Orman to counter the UK  Labour Party   in the aftermath of Mussolini 's March on Rome . Knight  served as the organisation's intelligence director . 1924, at the request of Sir George Makgill Secretary to the Anti-German Union Late renamed British Empire Union  (In 1960 it was r

Psi warrior Training Level 3 : Movement and your Field.

Psy Warrior Training Level 3 Welcome to the rest of your life.  Tao Learning to move in a meaningful way.  In this section we will learn to move in a spiral, for this we will be employing Hsingi , (xingyiquan) Taiji (Tai Chi) Bagua zhang (ba gua chang/pakua chang),Fire Palm . In bagua zhang, you learn precise footwork methods for walking in circles in opposite directions.  Walking the Circle, as it is called in bagua zhang, is customarily done at about the speed you might use when you walk down the street. In time, walking gets progressively faster until you are speed walking. At this point, bagua zhang becomes aerobic—a characteristic that distinguishes it from almost all forms of tai chi (taiji). More about  Bagua Here is a video: Study it and recreate the form. This next video is relevant as it explains the various Field influences. How to Recognise positive and negative Energetic Influences in people. And how to rectify, and bloc

Psi Warrior Training Lev 2: Know your space

Psi Warrior Training Level 2 Welcome to the rest of your life. Level 1    Golden stove From week 2- 3. You will notice an increase in vitality. It is now that we really exercise our minds and bodies. we will begin to explore our Etheric Body / BioField   The Etheric Body or BioField is an invisible part of our biological body, its width and intensity is variable. The standard size is estimated at 8 feet. Add caption Pic : Stuart Wilde   Using Level 1 Golden stove Replenishing of vitality known as Chi, We will consciously seek to expand our biofield using Visualisation techniques. Closing the eyes can help to 'look' into your minds eye, where you can imagine your field. In order to work with it. If that doesn't work for you, Another way of 'picturing this ' is to 'imagine passing through walls and into the street outside, it helps to know your local area around where you practise, that way you can

UK 2015 Psi Warrior Trainig : Goats stare back

Foundations. Houses that employ reliable materials in the building of their foundations will last longer than those who do not. This blog has less to do with my personal research into all things transmutable, and more to do with the function of Life, to pass on data. If a plane some 30,000 ft up sprays a chemical into the air, and I  taste it in my mouth, then it is obvious to me, by the fact that air is made up of atoms and each atom having spin will pass the chemical information throughout its connections, and as Humans have an Etheric body composed of atoms, capable of receiving  information from its environment transmitted through the realm of air from the aircraft. The distance of 30,000 ft is no barrier for spin resonance at molecular leve l. That aside. Distance is no object to the Adept.   Science has proven that its a " given" that Humans operated on the EMF    Vibratory Electro magnetic Spectrum.     You may have heard of t